TotalCtrl helps Finland reduce CO2

Norway, Oslo: TotalCtrl today announced the kickoff of a project with Mission Zero Foodprint (MZF) in Finland. Over the next six months TotalCtrl will help the restaurant industry in Finland reduce CO2, cut costs, digitize, and prevent food waste.

There are over 10,000 restaurants and food service companies in Finland and the Finns eat almost 900 million meals outside their home every year (Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2015 statistics). According to LUKE, about one-fifth of edible food in the restaurant and catering sector in Finland ends up in bio-waste. To help reduce CO2 MZF has hired TotalCtrl.

The benefits of this project:

● The long-term goal of the project is to scale up the operating model built in the project to dozens of companies, also outside the project area, to change the processes of the restaurant and food service companies into more carbon neutral, as well as to achieve measured energy savings.

TotalCtrl will be working closely together with the industry:

To start with TotalCtrl will help the Kesko headquarter restaurant at K-kampus. K-Kampus will be Finland’s first office building to go carbon neutral in its waste management. This restaurant is therefore the perfect fit for TotalCtrl’s Restaurant solution.

About TotalCtrl: TotalCtrl prevents food waste by controlling inventory based on expiration data helping clients optimize operation, save time and money. Together with MZF TotalCtrl will help the world prevent food waste faster.

Mission Zero Foodprint (MZF): The main goal of Mission Zero Foodprint is to develop and renew the business and products of small restaurants and food service companies to become more resources and carbon neutral, and to strengthen cooperation and environment friendly image of the companies.

Mission Zero Foodprint
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